Fox Aufenger

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Problem solver extraordinaire! Experienced in mathematics, philosophy, and mechanical processes; With a strong desire to use my analytical and critical thinking skills to help efficiently shape a better future. I am a determined quick learner with the ability to appropriately showcase complex problems to various audiences and stakeholders. Swiftly adapting to new environments and circumstances, I enjoy interacting with others on a professional level in hopes of achieving a brighter tomorrow.

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Languages: Python, R, SQL, JavaScript, CSS, VBA
Applications: Tableau, Command Line, Excel, Jupyter Notebook, VSCode, GitHub, GIT
Libraries: Seaborn, Matplotlib, Pandas, SQLAlchemy, Leaflet, D3
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, NoSQL
Skills: Machine Learning, Big Data, Deep learning

Attended the University of Richmond’s data analytics and visualization bootcamp in order to further excel my knowledge in the field of data science. I believe continued learning is an important thing in everyday life in order to become both better versions of ourselves and to inspire those around us.

Being able to choose some of the topics researched throughout the course, I gravitated toward energy and environmental studies. According to the second law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed; thus, continued education is essential for optimizing our processes and using our energy usage more streamline and wisely. Data science allows us to look back at data collected and code written to create more energy effective routes, both mentally and physically.

Books Movies Games Hobbies
Snow Crash Chasing Mavericks Final Fantasy VII Long Boarding
Brave New World The Man Who Knew Too Little Bananagrams Tinkering
Ready Player One The Other Guys Jack Box Games Archery